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2017 Global IDC, Optical Devices, 10技家0G and 400G Data Comm Module Market Fo女們recast

Guide: The demand for global data拿大 centers continues to grow. In 201草現5, the overall market size reach錯又ed US $38.46 billion, with a year-你子on-year growth of 17.3%. Technolog機在ical innovation and the applicat章銀ion of computing have greatly pro一水moted the market enthusiasm.

The demand for global data cent得要ers continues to grow. In 2015, the數商 overall market size reached US現玩 $38.46 billion, with a year-on-y熱做ear growth of 17.3%. Technologica民女l innovation and the application的刀 of computing have greatly prom海畫oted the market enthusiasm. Ch短月ina's IDC market also maintains a 報來high growth trend. In 2015, the m喝數arket size reached 51.86 billion東音 yuan, a year-on-year increase of商子 39.3%. Policy orientation, broad師得band acceleration and the rapid develo高地pment of the Internet industry 有快have promoted the rapid developmen跳理t of the data center market. Combined 高舞with the overall environment, it i車裡s expected that the future growth在知 will be stable at more than 3訊事5%. By 2018, China's IDC market size 紅內will exceed 140 billion yuan.

Global IDC market size from 201林的1 to 2015


The IDC industry is still in a 器吃period of rapid development, which 作視will drive the growth of the company's 兒懂IDC business. From 2009 to 2015, the 腦做compound growth rate of the domestic中麗 IDC industry market size was 38.71%, m員服uch higher than the global IDC industry林報 level (17.20%), and is expected 筆通to maintain a growth rate of abo美這ut 40% in the next few years. 人我It is estimated that by 2018, the domes知林tic IDC market will reach 139.04拍山 billion yuan, with a year-on-year gro紅森wth rate of 39.57%. From the demand科們 side, the driving factor for th說冷e future development of the dom見還estic IDC industry is the rapid門讀 development of the Internet indu舊睡stry and cloud computing indus風你try. On the one hand, the domestic I他腦nternet industry has shown a tre地熱nd of vigorous development. At the s公錢ame time, the country has vigorous你冷ly called for and advocated the遠師 "Broadband China" strategy and t睡城he "Internet+Action Plan", which f遠姐urther promoted the rapid developmen知店t of the Internet industry. The r錯得apid development of the Internet 快人industry has greatly increased t音金he rigid demand for professional IDC se相熱rvices. On the other hand, the rapid de討黑velopment of domestic cloud com可媽puting has increased the demand畫小 for IDC data centers and bandw吧器idth.

The data shows that the global data cen司上ter traffic reached 6.5ZB in 2016, w化費hich will maintain a compound annual gr為看owth rate of 26.79% in the future, and 兵美will reach 15.4ZB by 2020.

Global Data Center Traffic Fore子現cast


Data Center Optical Device Demand Conce舞地pt Map


Communication within data centers,子相 between data centers, and betwee呢友n customers in data centers will de術匠mand optical devices. It is pre船女dicted that the overall scale of the op姐員tical device market will reach 207.925南吃 billion US dollars by 2020, wi我煙th a compound annual growth rate 算光of more than 10%; Among them, the d如什ata communication market will k男東eep growing from 2016 to 2018, a好路nd the market size of data communic呢體ation products will reach its p通務eak in 2018, rising from 43996 in 201人村6 to 46.751 billion dollars.

Forecast of global optical device mark制站et size


Forecast of Optical Device Market S窗什ize in the Global Data Communication M做銀arket


It is predicted that the number of gl信化obal data centers will reach 8.6 m工在illion in 2017, of which the proporti去動on of large data centers (the space wi道謝th the output of more than 9000 frames 如行has more than 225000 square feet of co件相mputing space) will exceed 70%. At p熱短resent, the data center is upgra術拍ding from 10G/40G to 25G/100G archite木用cture, and the three major domestic op小影erators have a strong demand f務開or performance from 10G, 10G-40G to 40G紅討-100G, and 100G. Alibaba and Baidu 河木data centers have started to us兵暗e 25G conceptually, and are cu訊筆rrently in the obituary stage of secon行地d products. It is expected that 4音畫0G/100G will also be the trend in th她話e future. The demand for high-speed o亮對ptical modules will increase sig花通nificantly in the future.

the 40G data communication module mark現黑et will basically maintain its curren姐輛t scale in the next 4-5 years, and the 家低market scale of 40G products wil窗話l be about 420 million dollars by 2拍讀020; The demand for 100G data c新腦ommunication module is expected to mai水西ntain rapid growth, with a compound在人 annual growth rate of 76.35% in 吃村the future and a scale of about雪你 2.192 billion dollars by 2020; T子習he 400G demand began to appear 遠公in 2016 and will reach 320 millio時司n US dollars by 2020, with a com謝鄉pound annual growth rate of more t大工han 200%.

Market scale of 100G data communicati文場on module


400G Data Comm Module Market Size Fo個讀recast
